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Integrated Urban Development for Climate Neutral Cities | auf Englisch

21. November 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00

Kostenlos – 10,00€

Moderation: Mag.a Monika Herbstrith-Lappe

In view of the increased pressure on the limited natural resources and the raising concern about climate changes, there is an increased need for trans-sectorial planning effort to support the decision-making pro­cess in achieving the transition to sustainable consumption and production patterns. Significant part of this effort is focused on ensuring the transition to clean energies that will help enabling sustainable development and combating climate change. Alongside this development, the accelerated urbanization worldwide indi­cates that in the near future up to 80% of final energy will be consumed in urban areas.  This development shows the significance of the emerging urban transformation for the whole process of sustainable develop­ment, where the assurance of sustainable energy takes a central role. Thus, challenges of energy sustaina­bility need to be solved increasingly at urban level beside the national one. Such challenges call additionally for the use of integrated concepts to tackle the increased complexity of the considered systems.
This lecture gives an introduction to continuing urbanization and the interre­lations to climate change. Selected European Best Practice examples will be used to underpin the theoretical material in the form of implemented solutions and innovative, experimental takes on this topic.

The following questions will be addressed:
Why urban development requires integrative approaches?
What integrated urban development should thrive for
Introducing SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities”
What does mitigation and adaptation mean for cities?
KPIs and Monitoring for integrated climate neutral cities

Ghazal Etminan (female) is Senior research Engineer and International Business developer at Austrian Institute of Technology and working in the research fields of Smart and Climate Neutral urban development. Ghazal has more than 10 years of experience in coordinating, managing complex projects in the field of sustainable urban development and smartcities or similar (for example: high number of beneficiaries and/or stakeholders involved; high number of integrated tasks such as energy, mobility, and ICT; involvement of different types of stakeholders such as local authorities and public bodies).
She is Task Leader of the EERA Joint Program Smart Cities and Austrian representative and Core team leader in Positive Energy District in COST ACTION.  As a project manager and work package leader, Ghazal Etminan is involved in several sustainable urban development and Smart City projects as a project manager and senior expert in Austria, Europe and middle east e.g. JASPEAR EIB Smart Cities, NetZerocities, Scalable Cities secretaries lighthouse project Ruggedised, POCITYF, FP7 READY, Ecosystem ClimateKIC, Smart Cities Information System(SCIS) and she is Project manager and key expert in world bank project Small-Medium sized Urban development in Uzbekistan in Kagan and Chartak.  She is technical manager of Scalable Cities Sectaries and work package leader of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning of NETZEROCITIES for 100 climate neural cities.


21. November 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Kostenlos – 10,00€
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Wien, 1010 Österreich
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